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Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm học 2019-2020 – Trường THPT Nguyễn Huệ

"Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm học 2019-2020 – Trường THPT Nguyễn Huệ" giúp các em ôn tập lại các kiến thức đã học, đánh giá năng lực làm bài của mình và chuẩn bị kì thi sắp tới được tốt hơn. » Xem thêm

28-07-2021 64 5

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  1. Trudng THPTNguyEn Hug ON TTTVT TRA CHAT LTIOI\G DAU XATU ,- -lro: Ngoar ngu NIm hoc: 2019-2020 MOn: Ti6ng Anh - L6p 10 - Chucrng trinh thi tti6m Thdi gian lhm bii: 45 phft Llrrr** D6 cd 03 trane Mfl tlij: 919 Listening: What are people talking about? Listen carefully and choose the correct answer. 1. A. the guests B. music C. friends D. food 2. A. a guest B. film C. dancing D. music 3. A. a meeting B. an old friend C. a guest D. the music 4. A. work B. school C. food D. the man's health 5. A. the party B. the food C. the music D. a guest 6. A. friends B. ajob C. movie D. a vacation Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 7. A. stomach B. chore C. teglnique D. psychologist 8. A. brg4dwinner B. hgglthy C. steadily D. brg4the Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 9. A. sociable B. elderly C. extended D. skeletal 10. A. homemaker B. provider C. grocery D. atmosphere Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 11. A lot of wild animals for food every year. A. kitl B. are killed C. have killed D. are killing 12.In under a minute, your _ can pump blood to bring oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body. A. heart B. brain C.lungs D. vessels 13. My grandfather television because his favourite programme is on. A. watches B. is watching C. has watched D. has been watchino 14. When I was a child, I was fond of to the zoo. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. being taken 1"5. You should set a good for your younger brother. A. role B. example C. behaviour D. action 16. My sister works hard, but she also time on her hobbies. A. has spent B. has been spending C. is spending D. spends 17. A: Do you want to have the chicken or the beefl B: I think I the beef. A. will have B. have C. am having D. am going to have 18. Food and drinks which strongly the body can cause stress. A. boost B. develop C. encourage D. stimulate 19. They have already decided. They _ their summer holidays in the mountains. A. spent B. will spend C. have spent D. are going to spend 20. My mother told me to do the _ yesterday but I forgot about it since I had much homework to finish. A. wash up B. childcare C.laundry D. rubbish Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 21. She decided to find a job to earn money instead ofjust staying at home and being a housekeeper. A.lend B. borrow C. make D. raise 22.The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. A. protect B. cure C. generate D. remove Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 23. From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequences for children.
  2. A. marriage B. separation C. breakup D. breach 24, Origrnally, there were 365 acupoints, but this has increased to more than 2,000 nowadays. A. stabled B. transferred C. tumed into D. reduced Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. 25. Doctor: "Good morning. What can I do for you?" Patient: "Good morning. _." A. I am fine. Thank you B. I feel very bored C. I have got a bad cough D. I want to know it, too 26.Patient: "Please tell me how I shall I take this medicine." Doctor: "_." A. Take it home with you B. Take it back to me C. Take as much as you can D. Take it twice per day Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from27 to 30. In a typical family in Japan, the father and the mother have their roles and responsibilities to perform. The father is the _(27)_of the family. He takes care of his family by earning a living, guiding the children, and making the final decisions that affect the family. He helps the mother _(28)_ the household, and he is responsible for the hard stuff like lifting heavy things and _Q9)_ work like fixing plumbing and electricity. The mother is usually the manager of the household. She takes care of the children and supervises household tasks. She also helps to earn a living and helps to make decisions affecting the family. She _(30)_ the menu, does the shopping, and prepares the family meals. She either supervises or does the house cleaning, ironing and other similar tasks. Today, however, both mother and father can share roles in homemaking and breadwinning. 27. A.bead B. heart C. brain D. body 28. A. make B. do C. run D. take care 29. A. repaired repair B. C. repairing D. repairable 30. A. selects studies B. C. orders D. plans Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35. Seeing with the Ears The human body is ar amazing thing. People can train themselves to achieve unbelievable feats, from setting Olympic records to finding ways to overcome physical disabilities. Ben Underwood is a great example of someone who trained his body to do something incredible. At the age of three, Ben went blind from retina cancer, a type of eye cancer. When Ben was about five years old, his mother noticed him making a clicking sound with his tongue that seemed to help him understand his surroundings. This skill, known as echolocation, is normally used by animals with very sensitive hearing, like dolphins and bats, for communication and to find food. They make sounds and listen for the echo made when the sound waves hit an object and bounce back. Doctors tested Ben's hearing ability, but found it was normal. If Ben did not have superior hearing, how was he able to use echolocation? Doctors used to believe blind people developed a sharper sense of hearing to help them overcome their loss of sight. Doctors did tests to try to confirm this, but just like in Ben's case, the research showed that the test subjects generally had normal human hearing. It was through brain scans that doctors began to understand the phenomenon of echolocation. The scans show that when a blind person hears an echo, the parts of the brain that are related to v,ision are stimulated. So even though blind people can't see with their eyes, their brains are able to determine the shape and size of nearby objects. They move around an object, clicking and listening, to better understand its shape. This refines the picture of the object in their minds. In this way, blind people come to "see" their environment. By the time he was a teenager, Ben Underwood could safely ride a bike and skateboard around his neighbourhood using echolocation. Sadly, Ben passed away in 2009 at the age of 16, but he remains a shinins example of what people are capable of if they are determined enough. 31. When Ben was three, he made a clicking sound with his tongue to _. A. locate food B. comrnunicate with other people C. imitate dolphins and bats D. notice things around him
  3. 32. All of the following are true about dolphins and bats EXCEPT that_. A. they make sounds and the echo B. they use echo for communication and to find food C. their hearing is very sensitive D. they listen for the echo bouncing back from objects 33. Blind people A. develop a sharper sense of hearing than normal people B. make a connection between hearing and vision C. have a superb hearing based on echolocation D. scan the surroundings to see the environment 34.Byusingecholocation,b1indpeop1eandBencandoa11ofthefo11owingEXCEPTthat A. they move the object around to determine its shape and size B. they can notice the shape and size of nearby objects C. they can move around safely in their neighbourhood D. they can avoid hitting the surrounding items 35. The word "g[!g!gg" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _. A. sending out light B. extremely good C. very bright and clever D. pointing light to a direction Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 36. Circulatory system lets us breathe in oxygen with our lungs and breathe out carbon dioxide. ABCD 37. A lot of our agricultural products have exported to many developed countries in the world. ABCD Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 38. My elder brother began to work in this factory two years ago. A. My elder brother has worked in this factory for two years ago. B. My elder brother has worked in this factory for two years now. C. My elder brother is working in this factory for two years now. D. My elder brother worked in this factory for two yea.rs ago. 39. They have just interviewed her for the job. A. The job has just been interviewed for her. B. She has just been interviewed for the job. C. She has just interviewed the job for them. D. The job for her has just been interviewed. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct sentence that is built from the suggestions in the following questions. 40. considerl enotglt/ when/ very safe/ precautionsl takelacupuncture/ be. A. It is considered acupuncture to be very safe when taking enough precautions. B. It is considered acupuncture to be very safe when enough precautions take. C. Acupuncture is considered be very safe when enough precautions are taking. D. Acupuncture is considered to be very safe when enough precautions are taken. THE END
  4. rrucrng rHprNguyan HuQ oAp AN ffnnn TRA CHAT LUQNG DAU XAVI io, Ngopi ngt Nim hQc: 20lg -ZO)O Mdn: ti6ng Anh - f,Op fO - Chucrng trinh thi di6m MA d6 919 MA d6 828 MA deTT MA d6 646 1 A 1 C 1 A 1 C 2 D 2 B ) D ) B 3 B 3 D 3 B 3 D 4 C 4 A 4 C 4 A 5 D 5 B 5 D 5 B 6 B 6 D 6 B 6 D 7 B 7 C 7 A 7 C 8 D 8 D 8 C 8 B 9 C 9 A 9 B 9 D 10 B 10 B 10 D 10 C 11 B 11 C 11 B 11 D 12 A t2 B t2 C t2 B 13 B 13 A 13 D 13 A t4 D l4 D 14 B t4 A 15 B 15 A 15 D 15 D T6 D t6 D t6 A t6 B t7 A l7 B t7 B t7 B 18 D 18 B 18 A 18 C t9 D t9 A t9 A t9 D 20 C 20 B 20 D 20 B 2l C 2t B 2t B 2L A 22 B )) D 22 D )1 C 23 A 23 B 23 A 23 B 24 D 24 D 24 D 24 D 25 C 25 C 25 D 25 B 26 D 26 B 26 C 26 B 27 A 27 B )1 B 27 D 28 C 28 A 28 A 28 A 29 B 29 B 29 B 29 D 30 D 30 D 30 D 30 D 31 D 31 B 31 B 31 C 32 A 32 D 32 B 32 B 33 B 33 A 33 B 33 A 34 A 34 D 34 C 34 B 35 B 35 D 35 D 35 D 36 A 36 C 36 A 36 B 37 B 37 C 37 B 37 B 38 B 38 A 38 D 38 A 39 B 39 D 39 C 39 D 40 D 40 B 40 B 40 A


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