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Đề thi Tiếng Anh phần Listening trình độ A1 - A2 - B1 (Đề số 02)

Dưới đây là Đề thi Tiếng Anh phần Listening trình độ A1 - A2 - B1). Việc tham khảo đề thi này giúp các bạn kiểm tra lại đánh giá kiến thức của mình và có thêm thời gian chuẩn bị ôn tập cho kì thi sắp tới được tốt hơn. Mời các bạn tham khảo. » Xem thêm

16-12-2016 801 64

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SAMPLE TEST - LISTENING SKILLS - LEVELS A1-A2-B1<br /> PART1. Questions 1-5. You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each<br /> conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5,<br /> put a tick (√) under the right answer.<br /> EXAMPLE<br /> 0. How many people were at the meeting?<br /> <br /> 13 300 30<br /> A<br /> <br /> B<br /> <br /> C<br /> Answer: C<br /> <br /> 1. What is John going to do tonight?<br /> <br /> A<br /> 2. Which is Ben’s family?<br /> <br /> B<br /> <br /> C<br /> <br /> A<br /> 3. Which bag does the woman buy?<br /> <br /> B<br /> <br /> C<br /> <br /> A<br /> B<br /> 4. How much did the woman pay for the apples?<br /> <br /> A<br /> <br /> B<br /> <br /> C<br /> <br /> C<br /> <br /> SAMPLE TEST - LISTENING SKILLS - LEVELS A1-A2-B1<br /> 5. What time does the film start?<br /> <br /> A<br /> <br /> B<br /> <br /> C<br /> <br /> PART 2. Questions 6-10. Listen to Liz and Michael talking about rooms in a hotel.<br /> They are going to paint the rooms. What colour are they going to paint each room?<br /> For questions 1-5, put a tick (√) under the right answer. You will hear the<br /> conversation twice.<br /> Example:<br /> Room/s<br /> 0. dining room<br /> <br /> A. white<br /> <br /> Room/s<br /> <br /> Colours<br /> B. light blue<br /> <br /> C. grey<br /> Answer: A<br /> <br /> Colours<br /> <br /> 6. television room<br /> <br /> A. dark blue<br /> <br /> B. light yellow<br /> <br /> C. grey<br /> <br /> 7. first floor bedrooms<br /> <br /> A. dark green<br /> <br /> B. red<br /> <br /> C. light green<br /> <br /> 8. second floor bedrooms<br /> <br /> A. grey<br /> <br /> B. light blue<br /> <br /> C. dark blue<br /> <br /> 9. office<br /> <br /> A. grey<br /> <br /> B. white<br /> <br /> C. light blue<br /> <br /> 10. kitchen<br /> <br /> A. light yellow<br /> <br /> B. red<br /> <br /> C. white<br /> <br /> PART 3. Questions 11-15. Listen to Sarah talking to her mend, Jane, about a new Job.<br /> For questions 11-15, tick 25 A, B or C. You win hear the conversation twice.<br /> EXAMPLE<br /> 0. Sarah's boss wants a new<br /> A. manager.<br /> B. shop assistant.<br /> C. secretary.<br /> Answer: C<br /> 11. Sarah usually starts work at……<br /> A. 6.00.<br /> B. 8.30.<br /> 12. In the new job, Jane can earn……<br /> A. £160 a week.<br /> B. £160 a week.<br /> 13. Sarah has lunch……<br /> A. in a café.<br /> B. in a park.<br /> 14. In the new job, Jane can have……<br /> A. 3 weeks' holiday.<br /> B. 4 weeks' holiday.<br /> 15. The manager's name is Mr. ……<br /> A. Fawset.<br /> B. Fawcett.<br /> <br /> C. 9.00.<br /> C. £210 a week.<br /> C. at home.<br /> C. 5 weeks' holiday. □<br /> C. Fausert.<br /> <br /> SAMPLE TEST - LISTENING SKILLS - LEVELS A1-A2-B1<br /> PART 4. Questions 16-20. You will hear a student telephoning a school. Listen and<br /> complete questions 16-20. You will hear the conversation twice.<br /> Name of school:<br /> <br /> International Language School<br /> <br /> Next course begins:<br /> 16. Day:<br /> <br /> A. Monday<br /> <br /> B. Friday<br /> <br /> C. Saturday<br /> <br /> 17. Date:<br /> <br /> A. 3rd February<br /> <br /> B. 3rd March<br /> <br /> C. 3rd January<br /> <br /> 18. Classes begin at:<br /> <br /> A. 09:15<br /> <br /> B. 09:55<br /> <br /> C. 09:50<br /> <br /> 19. Address:<br /> <br /> A. 77 London Rd.<br /> <br /> B. 17 London Rd.<br /> <br /> C. 57 London Rd.<br /> <br /> 20. Near:<br /> <br /> A. station<br /> <br /> B. airport<br /> <br /> C. stadium<br /> <br /> PART 5. Questions 21-25. You will hear a tour guide talking about a town in<br /> Scotland. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice.<br /> Notes<br /> Guide’s name:<br /> <br /> Jim<br /> <br /> 21. Banks open from:<br /> <br /> A. 09:13<br /> <br /> B. 09:30<br /> <br /> C. 09:00<br /> <br /> 22. Bank open to:<br /> <br /> A. 04:00p.m.<br /> <br /> B. 06:00p.m.<br /> <br /> C. 06:40p.m.<br /> <br /> 23. Bank close on:<br /> <br /> A. Sundays<br /> <br /> B. Saturdays<br /> <br /> C. Thursdays<br /> <br /> 24. number:<br /> <br /> A. 21<br /> <br /> B. 11<br /> <br /> C. 121<br /> <br /> 25. cost:<br /> <br /> A. 60 pence<br /> <br /> B. 16 pence<br /> <br /> C. £1.60<br /> <br /> Bus to city center:<br /> <br />


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