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Từ điển chuyên ngành ô tô: Phần 2

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16-05-2022 61 10

Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu

  1. wad punch warning triangle Ww wad punch n. tool with round cutting temperature: Làm ấm động cơ edge for cutting out holes in khi động cơ còn nguội hoặc trời gaskets or other soft materials: lạnh (K-jetronic) Dụng cụ dập dấu tròn, cái đột lỗ l warm-up control until = until that roong produces the richer mixture wagon n. = station wagon needed for cold running and wander n. tendency of a vehicle to modulates fuel system pressure stray from its steered course; a according to engine temperature; fault caused by incorrect tyre the until includes an electrically pressure, worn steering linkage, heated thermostatic spring, which etc.: Chao, đảo (bánh xe) reduces the force on a spring- loaded control diaphragm: Trước Wankel engine n. a rotary engine khi điều khiển hâm nóng động cơ which uses no pistons; instead, triangular rotors revolve in l warm-up enrichment = educed specially shaped housings. enrichment of the air / fuel mixture It is named after the German following cranking and after-start engineer, Felix Wankel (1902 ~ enrichment: Sự làm giàu hòa khí 1988): Động cơ Wankel (pít-tông của giai đoạn hâm nóng động cơ tam giác) warning lamp or light n. small lamps warding file n.= key file: Cái giũa khe on the instrument panel that light răng chìa khóa up if there is a problem: Đèn báo hư hỏng, báo lỗi (code) warm up v. to run an engine until it reaches normal operating warning triangle n. triangular red 436 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  2. warp water-cooled safety reflector that must be action and lower the freezing carried on all vehicles and be point: Chất lỏng rửa kính xe placed at the side of the road to l wash/ wipe switch n. switch warn of an obstruction ahead, on the instrument panel that such as a broken-down vehicle: operates the rear screen wash/ Biển tam giác báo nguy hiểm wipe system. The windscreen warp 1 n. bending or twisting out of washer system, which includes shape: Trạng thái cong, vênh an intermittent wipe, is usually 2 v. to bend or twist out of shape: located on the windscreen wiper Làm cong, vênh control stalk: Công tắc hệ thống gạt/ rửa kính sau warranty n. formal written declaration of good quality by waste gate n. a valve located on the the manufacturer of an article, exhaust side of the engine, with including an agreement to repair three connections: to the engine or replace it if it is found to be exhaust manifold, turbine, and defective within a certain period silencer; most waste gates have of time: Phiếu bảo hành a control line to the inlet manifold: washcoat n. oxide layer on the Cửa xả trong hệ thống tăng áp catalyst substrate which waste spark method n. in distributorless increases with the active surface ignition systems, dual-spark coils area: Lớp oxit trên chất xúc tác fire two sparking plugs at the same washer n. flat disc or ring of metal, time; one of these sparks is in a rubber, leather, etc., fitted under cylinder during its exhaust stroke, a nut to even out pressure and where the spark has no effect prevent damage to the part on (waste spark); the other spark which it bears, or to lock the nut occurs in the cylinder near the end in place, or used for spacing or of the compression stroke: Tia lửa as a seal: Long đền, vòng lót, ở kỳ thải trong đánh lửa trực tiếp vòng đệm dùng bô-bin đôi washer fluid n. fluid added to the water-cooled a. (engine) cooled water in the windscreen washer by the passage of water. It is and rear screen washer reservoirs opposite to air-cooled: Được làm / bottles to improve the cleaning nguội bằng nước (động cơ) Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 437
  3. water injection wax l water cooling system n. the circulates the coolant between normal cooling system used on the water jacket and the radiator; most cars and lorries to keep the usually a centrifugal pump, temperature of the engine down located preferably in the cold leg to a desirable level; engine heat of the circuit (to reduce the risk of is removed via water acting as cavitation): Bơm nước a coolant which surrounds the l water temperature gauge cylinders in a water passages, n. gauge on the instrument coolant pump, thermostat, hoses, panel which indicates coolant and radiator: Hệ thống làm mát temperature: Đồng hồ báo nhiệt bằng nước độ nước làm mát water injection (system) n. system Watt linkage n. a means of reducing that prevents detonation in high- or eliminating lateral movement compression engines by injecting of a beam axle relative to the metered amounts of water into vehicle body, consisting of an the inlet manifold where it mixes upright member at the centre of with the air/ fuel charge entering the axle whose top and bottom the engine; there the water are connected by rods to the spray turns to steam, cooling sides of the body Watt: Thanh combustion and cleaning out old nối Watt để giảm lực trượt ngang carbon deposits: Hệ thống phun nước vào đường ống nạp để waveband n. series of wavelengths chống kích nổ trong các động cơ forming a group: Băng tần (radio) có tỷ số nén cao wax 1 n. a substance resembling water jacket n.the channels between beeswax in appearance and the inner and outer shells of character, and in general the cylinder block or head, distinguished by its composition through which coolant circulates of esters and higher alcohols, and to prevent overheating of the by its freedom from fatty acids; engine: Áo nước (áo lót bao used for underbody sealing, quanh các xi-lanh và nắp động cavity sealing, and paintwork cơ để dẫn nước làm mát) care: Chất sáp l water pump n. in the cooling 2 v. to treat with wax: Làm bóng system, the mechanism that bằng sáp 438 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  4. WD-40 web l waxing n. the formation of wax visible at the point where two crystals in diesel fuel in freezing parts touch: Vết mòn conditions, thus clogging the fuel l wear resistance = ability to filter and stopping the engine; withstand conditions which cause avoided by the use of a fuel a progressive loss of substance: heater or fuel additives: Sự hình Tính chống mòn thành tinh thể dạng sáp trong dầu diesel ở điều kiện băng giá l wear ring = (pump) ring used to prevent costly wear of the casing l wax injection or lancing n. the and impeller at the running joint; injection of corrosion-inhibiting (fitted on both the casing and the wax into car body cavities: Sự impeller): Vòng chịu mòn trong bơm phun sáp chống ăn mòn weathering n. physical disintegration l wax-type thermostat n. thermostat in which the expansion of melting and chemical decomposition paraffin wax (in a rigid cylinder) of materials on exposure to deforms a moulded rubber atmospheric agents: Sự thoái membrane and displaces a piston hóa vật liệu do môi trường / pin from the cylinder; this has the l weather resistant a. able to advantage of being insensitive to withstand natural climatic sudden temperature fluctuations conditions which cause surface or to the pressure in the system: deterioration: Có sức chịu đựng Bộ điều chỉnh nhiệt (van hằng với thời tiết nhiệt) loại sáp l weather strip n. a rubber seal WD-40 n. proprietary water-re fitted to the body, e.g. along pellent spray: Loại bình dầu thấm a door aperture or bootlid, to weak a. (of A/ F mixture) = lean: prevent water, air and moisture Nghèo (hỗn hợp hòa khí) from getting into the interior of the wear n. the progressive loss of body: Viền cao su bọc quanh cửa substance from the operating hay kính chắn gió để nước mưa surface of a body occurring as khỏi lọt vào xe a result of relative motion at the web n. (a) internal reinforcement surface; rubbing away: Độ mòn between panels: Điểm gia cố bên l wear pattern = pattern of wear trong giữa các tấm Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 439
  5. weighbridge welding (b) = crank web: Má trục khuỷu Trọng lượng l webbing n. woven nylon strap (b) = balance weight: Trọng lượng used for seal belts: Vải làm đai an cân bằng (miếng chì gắn vào toàn niềng) l webbing grabber = device in an (c) = advance weight: Quả văng inertia reel seat belt that grips the (sớm ly tâm) belt webbing tightly in the event l weight per unit area n. indicates of sudden braking or impact: Cơ the thickness of metallic paint cấu rút dây đai an toàn coatings in grams per square wedge combustion chamber n. metre of surface area: Trọng wedge-shaped chamber with lượng sơn trên một đơn vị diện the valve in the longer sloping tích surface and the sparking plug in l weight transfer n. the transfer the shorter; the tapered part of of load from one end or side of the wedge forms a squish zone: the vehicle to the other when Buồng cháy dạng hình nêm accelerating, braking or cornering: l wedge end n. the flat peen of a Chuyển dịch trọng tâm (khi tăng peen and finish hammer, shaped tốc, phanh hoặc quay vòng) like a wedge: Đầu mũi búa hình Weissach axle n. special double nêm wishbone rear suspension l wedge expander n. part of a developed by Porsche for the mechanical drum brake system 928s to minimize the problems which forces the shoes apart into of over-steering: Trục xe loại contact with the drum: Cơ cấu Weissach đẩy bố phanh welch plug n. disc-shaped metal weighbridge n. device for measuring plug used to seal holes: Nút chêm the weight of vehicles (especially dạng đĩa bằng kim loại lorries), consisting of a metal welding n. joining pieces of metal or plate set into the road surface: plastic together by heating them Cầu cân xe to suitable temperatures, with or weight n. (a) See dry weight, gross without the application of filler vehicle weight, kerb weight. material: Sự hàn, kỹ thuật hàn 440 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  6. weld-through primer wet clutch l welding clamp = locking clamp with l well-base wheel = one-piece U-shaped jaws (which allow more wheel: Bánh xe nguyên khối visibility and working space), used W-engine n. a rare engine design, to hold panels, bars, tubes, etc. for basically similar to a V-engine, welding: Cái bàn kẹp để hàn but using three instead of two l welding jig = a special type of frame cylinder rows: Động cơ dạng gauge used to establish the correct chữ W position of structural parts on the wet clutch n. friction clutch that uses an body prior to welding them in: Đồ oil bath to dissipate heat: Bộ ly hợp gá lắp để hàn khung xe ướt (chạy trong dầu để dẫn nhiệt) l welding rod = (gas/arc welding) l wet galvanizing n. galvanizing welding electrode supplied in method in which the flux is individual lengths: Que hàn deposited in molten from on the l welding wire = MIG welding, zinc bath, and the metal to be welding electrode fed into the galvanized is introduced into the handset from a reel: Que hàn bath by passing it through this (MIG) layer of flux. It is opposite to dry weld-through primer n. special galvanizing: Sự mạ kẽm ướt paint used along spot welds l wet grip n. road holding ability or seams; it does not burn off of a tyre on a wet surface: Khả during welding and thus offers năng bám của bánh xe trên mặt good protection on the back đường ướt of welded panels that would normally be inaccessible once l wet liner n. cylinder liner that is welding is completed: Chất in direct contact with the coolant. dùng để sơn lót suốt mối hàn It is opposite to dry liner: Ống lót (sơ mi) xi-lanh ướt well-base rim n. wheel rim with a central channel or recess into l wet motor n. pump whose motor which one side of the tyre bead compartment is filled with liquid; can drop; the other side can submersible pumps are generally then be forced over the rim for classified as wet motor types: fitting or removal: Vành bánh xe Bơm có chất lỏng đi qua phần nguyên khối động cơ (bơm ướt) Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 441
  7. wheel wheel changing l wet sleeve n. = wet liner: Ống lót l wheel balance or wheel balancing xi-lanh ướt machine n. a machine capable of l wet sump lubrication n. the usual locating static and dynamic wheel engine lubrication system in imbalance and determining the which the oil is carried in a sump mass of the balancing weights below the crankshaft; the system required: Cân bằng bánh xe hoặc relies on gravity draining the máy cân bằng bánh xe circulated oil and needs no return l wheelbase n. distance between pump: Hệ thống bôi trơn có ngăn the centerlines of the front and chứa dầu ở phía dưới rear wheels; for lorries with wheel n.(a) a rotating, load-carrying tandem rear axles, the rear member between the tyre and centreline is considered to be axle consisting of a rim and a midway between the two rear wheel disc or spider; a wheel axles: Khoảng cách giữa hai cầu must be designed to support the xe (trước và sau) tyre while withstanding loads l wheel bearings n. the bearings from accelera- tion, braking and in wheel hubs: ball bearings cornering; as part of the unsprung for drive shafts and taper roller mass of a car, it must be light: bearings for driven hubs: Ổ lăn Bánh xe (bạc đạn) bánh xe (b) = steering wheel: Bánh lái, vô lăng l wheel bolt n. bolts which are screwed into threaded holes l wheel adapter n. spacer ring in the wheel hub or at the axle that adapts hubs to wheels with flange; common on passenger a different number of lugs, e. g. car wheels and one-piece 4-lug hubs to 5-lug wheels: Vòng commercial vehicle wheels: Bu- chuyển tiếp để nối bánh xe khác lông bánh xe số lỗ l wheel brace n. a cranked socket l wheel alignment gauge n. spanner for wheel nuts: Cái tuýp gauge used to measure the vặn ốc bánh xe distance between the rims of the front wheels: Dụng cụ cân l wheel changing n. changing a chỉnh bánh xe defective wheel: Thay bánh xe 442 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  8. wheel chock wheel machine wheel chock n. wedge-shaped block l wheel flutter n. = wheel wobble put under a wheel to prevent a l wheel hub n. = hub: (Đùm) Ổ vehicle from rolling: Vật chêm trục bánh xe bánh xe để ngăn xe khỏi lăn l wheelie n. (informal) manoeuvre l wheel clamp n. device attached in which the front wheel (s) is/are to the wheel of a parked car to lifted off the ground on sudden prevent it being driven away; acceleration; originally practised used as an anti-theft device if on motorbikes: Động tác đi một attached privately, and a means bánh khi tăng tốc đột ngột (xe of ensuring payment of a fine (to gắn máy). the authority to have the device l wheel imbalance: Sự mất cân removed) if parked illegally. In bằng của bánh xe US English, it is denver boot: Cái khoá bánh xe để chống trộm wheel judder n. = SHIMMY l wheel cover n. metal or plastic l wheel load n. that part of the disc fitted to the centre of a road vehicle weight resting on a single wheel: Nắp chụp bánh xe wheel: Tải trọng trên mỗi bánh xe l wheel cylinder n. (drum brake) l wheel lock n. (a) condition in hydraulic brake actuating device; which the wheels stop turning major parts are cylinder body, as a result of excessive braking spring, cup expander, cup or leads to a skid: Tình trạng bánh piston seal, piston, dust boot, xe bị bó cứng khi phanh gấp bleeder valve: Xi-lanh con (b) any anti-theft device for expensive (phanh) (alloy) wheels: Khoá chống lấy l wheel disc n. part of the wheel cắp bánh xe that connects the rim to the hub; wheel machine n. a special shop its design is governed by specific tool used to shape steel and rim type, axle connection, brake aluminium panels: Dụng cụ làm contour, brake cooling, hub cap đồng fixing, load capacity and attractive l wheel marking n. all disc wheels styling: Đĩa bánh xe are marked (generally on the front l wheel dolly n. = dolly side of the disc in the stud hole Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 443
  9. wheel nut wheel tree area) with the manufacturer’s for unequal tyre wear and trademark, the wheel number, rim increase tread life; moving them size, and date of production: Sự from front of to rear is generally ghi nhãn bánh xe recommended and is the only safe method on vehicles fitted l wheel mounting n. the fitting of a with directional tread tyres: Sự wheel onto a hub: Sự lắp bánh xe chuyển đổi bánh xe (lấy bánh wheel nut n. one of several nuts trước gắn ra sau) để chống mòn which hold the wheel and tyre và tăng tuổi thọ. assembly on the car and are l wheelslip n. = wheelspin screwed on the studs. In US English, it is lug nut: Đai ốc bánh xe l wheel speed sensor n. electronic device for picking up the rotational l wheel nut spider = cross-shaped speed of a wheel in order to spanner with four socket heads: inform the processing unit of an Cây tháo lắp bánh xe hình chữ ASR or ABS system: Cảm biến thập tốc độ bánh xe wheel panel n. the panel area l wheelspin n. effect of too much around the wheel cutout in the throttle making the driven wheels wing; this term often also refers turn too fast to grip the road to a repair section for this area, surface; easily done on a wet or as this is a favourite rust spot on icy surface and leaves a telltale many cars: Vè bánh xe trace of rubber on a dry one: Sự l wheel patter n. vertical oscillation trượt bánh xe (quay tròn) of a wheel making it hop up and l wheel stud n. one of several down rapidly, either because of threaded bolts projecting from the imbalance or because the tyre is wheel disc to which the wheel is faulty or badly fitted: Dao động secured by a wheel nut: Bu-lông dọc của bánh xe do mất cân bánh xe bằng, lắp sai hoặc hư l wheel tramp n. = radial run-out l wheel rim n. the outer part of l wheel tree n. a special stand for the wheel on the tyre is mounted: wheels, e.g. for a complete set of Niềng bánh xe summer or winter tyres, designed l wheel rotation n. swapping to prevent condensation and wheels around to compensate tyre deformation over extended 444 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  10. whip aerial Wilson gearbox storage periods: Giá đỡ bánh xe bearings: Hợp kim chống ma sát: trong thời gian bảo quản một hợp kim của thiếc, chì và antimon có nhiệt độ nóng chảy l wheel trim n. = wheel cover: nắp và hệ số ma sát thấp dùng làm bánh xe bạc lót l wheel trim emblem = plastic l white lithium grease n. type of emblem with logo; self-adhesive grease that will not freeze, melt or backing adheres to hub cap or wash off; used for speedometer wheel cover centre cap: Biểu and brake cables, door and tượng trên nắp bánh xe bonnet hinges, door stop latches, l wheel weight tool n. special boot springs, seat slide tracks, automotive tool for use when distributor cams, windscreen balancing wheels; installs, trims wiper mechanism, etc: Mỡ bôi and remes all types of clip-on trơn màu trắng có chất Lithium wheel weights with a hammer không đông, không chảy head and pliers for installation and l white rust n. loose, porous removal and a cutter for trimming: oxidation products formed on zinc Dụng cụ cân bằng bánh xe when a lack of carbon dioxide l wheel wobble n. oscillation of the occurs and water condenses on front wheels caused by unbalanced the surface of the work: Gỉ kẽm wheels, defective steering gear, có màu trắng etc: Sự đảo bánh trước wide-nose peen hammer n. a whip aerial n. long, thin, flexible peen and finish hammer with aerial: Ăng-ten xếp an extra-wide wedge end well whipping or whirling n. (of a drive suited to shaping of sharp shaft) tendency of a long rotating corners and beads in panels: shaft to bend at high speed, like Đầu búa có mũi lớn a bow or whip: Khuynh hướng Wilson gearbox n. an early pre- võng xuống của trục dài khi quay selector epicyclic gearbox still tốc độ cao used in buses. It was named after white metal n. any of various (tin- British inventor Walter Gordon based) alloys, such as Babbitt Wilson, 1874-1957: Hộp số metal, still occasionally used for Wilson Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 445
  11. wind deflector wing wind deflector n. = air shield: Tấm a jet of water onto the windscreen chắn gió and activates the wipers for a short period: Hệ thống xịt và gạt l window weatherstrip n. rubber or nước kính moquette sealing strip fitted in the gap on either side of a sliding door l windscreen wiper n. electrically window to seal the door gutter operated arm with a (renewable) and prevent water getting in to rubber or plastic blade that wipes the inventor of the door frame: a windscreen clear of rain, snow, Viền cao su bọc quanh kính xe etc.; activated by a switch or lever on the instrument panel or control windscreen n. = windshield n. stalk: Cần (cái) gạt nước forward-facing front window of a motor vehicle: Kính chắn gió xe win tunnel n. tunnel-like chamber hơi (kính trước) in which a current of air can be maintained at a constant velocity l windscreen pillars n. the front posts and in which motor vehicles of the body shell which together (and aircraft, etc.) are tested to with the scuttle and header panel determine their aerodynamic form the windscreen aperture: properties and the effects of wind Trụ đỡ khung kính trước pressure: Ống thử khí động l windscreen shade band n. = wind-up window n. window that is sun shield: Dải màu tối trên kính manually operated with a winder: trước để bớt chói Kính quay tay l windscreen surround n. moulded wing n. the car body panel that rubber insulating strip round the covers a road wheel and provides windscreen: Đường viền cao su protection against splashes of bao quanh kính trước mud, etc. In US English, which windscreen washer n. a person who is fender: Tấm khung chắn bùn washes windscreens: Người rửa phía trên bánh xe kính l wing mirror = rear-view mirror windscreen wash / wipe system n. mounted on the wing; once system operated by the same common but now replaced by lever on the control stalk that door mirrors: Kính chiếu hậu đặt operates the wipers, which directs trên ca-pô 446 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  12. wing nut wiring pigtail wing nut n. nut with two flat used as a shock-absorbing projections like wings so that it support for: Lưới dây kim loại để can be easily turned by hand: chống rung cho bộ xúc tác Đai ốc có tai hay cánh vặn wire spoke n. part which connects l wing shield n. small curved the hub of a wire spoke wheel to panel in front side window which the rim: Nan hoa vành xe deflects wind and reduces draught with the window open: typically wire stripper n. plier used for made of transparent acrylic, clear removing insulating material from or smoked: Tấm mica trong che the ends of the ends of electrical cửa hông khi xuống kính wire: Kìm tuốt dây điện winker n. = direction indicator l wire stripper / crimper tool = multi-purpose electricians’ pliers winter tyre n. a tyre with a deep tread for cutting and stripping wire suitable for winter conditions: Loại vỏ xe dùng cho mùa đông and crimping insulated or non- insulated solderless terminals wiper n. short for windscreen wiper, when servicing the electrical rear wiper, headlamp wiper: Cần system: Kìm cắt và tuốt dây gạt nước l wiring harness or wiring loom wire brush n. brush with wire n. vehicle wiring bound in a bristles for removing loose paint, protective sheath, which aids dirt, carbon, or rust from metal surfaces: Bàn chải sắt installation as an integrated unit: Bộ dây dẫn điện l wire glow plug n. double-pole glow plug with an unsheathed wiring pigtail n. short length of wire loop; now superseded by wire, usually with connector, sheathed-type glow plugs: Bu-gi permanently attached to an xông hai cực electric component, such as an oxygen sensor: Đoạn dây ngắn l wire loom n. = sparking plug cable loom nhô ra từ thiết bị điện (đầu nối) l wire mesh n. in catalytic l wiring trough n. longitudinal converters with a ceramic moulding that guides and monolith, a stainless-steel fabric conceals wiring: Cái kẹp búi dây Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 447
  13. wishbone worm gear wishbone n. transverse link shaped cut, as in a gear arrangement in like an A or wishbone. In US which such a shaft meshes with a English, it is A-arm: Đòn chữ A toothed wheel: trục vít withdrawal fork n. = clutch fork l worm-and-lever steering = cam- wobble n. side-to-side vibration; and-lever steering: Hệ thống lái lateral runout: Sự dao động kiểu trục vít - đòn bẩy ngang l worm-and-nut steering = l wobble extension (bar) n. steering system in which rotation special extension with a unique of the worm causes a nut, which male end that enables the user encloses it, to move up or down, to drive the socket up to 150 from thus turning the rocker shaft: Hệ vertical: Đầu nối vào cần siết để thống lái kiểu trục vít - đai ốc quay nghiêng l worm-and-peg steering = cam- l wobble plate n. = swash plate and-lever steering: Hệ thống lái wood alcohol n. = methanol: Rượu kiểu trục vít – đòn bẩy metanol, cồn thực vật l worm-and-roller-steering = cam- woodruff key n. semicircular key and-roller steering: Hệ thống lái that slots into a curved keyway kiểu trục vít - con lăn in a shaft to prevent rotational l worm-and-sector steering = type movement between the shaft and of steering system in which rotation a hub or pulley: Then bán nguyệt, of the worm moves a V-shaped chốt cờ la vét section of a toothed wheel at the working cycle n. recurring sequence top of the rocker shaft: Hệ thống of events in the combustion lái kiểu trục vít - đoạn vòng răng process, e.g. a four-stroke cycle: cong Chu trình làm việc l worm gear = device consisting of l working cylinder n. inner a short, threaded shaft (worm) that cylinder of a double-tube shock mates with a gearwheel (worm absorber: Xi-lanh vận hành trong wheel) so that rotary motion bộ giảm xóc hai ống can be transferred between two worm n. short, rotating shaft on shafts at right angles to each which a helical groove has been other: Bánh vít 448 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  14. wot write off l worm wheel = gearwheel driven paint film is too heavy: Nếp nhăn by a worm: Bánh răng nghiêng ăn của lớp sơn khớp trục vít wrist pin n. In US English, which is wot = wide open throttle: Bướm ga gudgeon pin: Chốt (ắc) piston mở lớn write off v. (a) to damage a car beyond wrapround a. curving round in one repair or, for insurance purposes, continuous piece: Đường viền so as to be not worth repairing: Phá hỏng xe đến mức không thể l wrapround windscreen = sửa để được đền bảo hiểm panoramic windscreen wrench n. a spanner, especially one (b) insurance assessor = to consider with adjustable jaws: Chìa khóa (a car) to be a total loss: Xác định (siết mở bu-lông, đai ốc) xe bị hư hoàn toàn (bảo hiểm) wrinkling n. (paint fault) the top coat l write-off n. a car damaged tends to wrinkle to a smaller or beyond repair or so badly greater degree if the outer paint damaged as to be not worth coat dries too rapidly, preventing repairing for insurance purposes: the underlying coats from drying Sự phá hỏng xe đến mức không properly; this also occurs if the sửa được để được bảo hiểm đền Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 449
  15. xenon Y-pipe Xx Yy Zz xenon n. colourless, odourless gas tốc xoay xe used in electric luminescent l yaw angle = angle of deviation tubes to provide a bright light: a between a vehicle’s longitudinal xenon stroboscope for ignition axis and its true direction of timing is strong enough to use in motion, i.e. the difference daylight.: Khí xenon (dùng trong between the direction a vehicle bóng đèn súng cân lửa) is pointing when cornering X-flow cylinder head n. = cross-flow and the direction in which it is cylinder head actually moving: Góc đảo lái X-type frame n. a frame design Y-belt n. Y-shaped belt design used shaped like an elongated letter X to restrain babies in a baby seat: that narrows to a strong junction Dây đai dạng chữ Y (dây đai an at the centre section; it usually toàn cho em bé) has three or more crossmembers Y configuration n. Y-shaped to provide torsional stability but connection of the three stator there are no crossmembers in windings of an alternator: Các the centre section of the vehicle: cuộn dây pha nối hình sao trong Khung xe dạng chữ X máy phát yaw v. to move or rotate about a Y-pipe n. (exhaust system) vertical axis: Xoay quanh trục Y-shaped down pipe connecting đứng a two-branch exhaust manifold l yaw acceleration = a steady to a single exhaust pipe: Đầu ống increase in the yaw angle: Gia pô dạng chữ Y 450 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  16. Z-axle zinc-rich paint Z-axle n. a rear axle introduced with l zinc immersion treatment = the BMW ZI in 1988, consisting of pretreatment before electro- a trailing arm, one upper lateral plating; a thin zinc deposit forms link, one lower diagonal link, and by immersion of aluminium in a coil spring at each side; also a zinc solution which prevents included is an anti-roll bar: Cầu further oxidation of the aluminium trục sau dạng chữ Z and provides a key for the zebrano or zebrawood n. striped galvanic coating: Xử lý trước khi hardwood used for interior trim mạ (ngâm vào dung dịch kẽm) as a cheaper alternative to burr l zinc-iron alloy layer = alloy layer walnut.: Gỗ ốp trong xe formed on iron and steel during Zener diode n. voltage regulator hot-dip galvanizing as a result diode in electronic ignition and of the diffusion of atoms from the alternator output circuits.: Đi-ốt molten zinc into the work and vice Zener (đi-ốt điều chỉnh điện áp versa: Lớp hợp kim sắt - kẽm trong mạch đánh lửa điện tử và (hình thành khi mạ nóng) mạch ngõ ra máy phát) l zinc phosphate coating = zinc- zero-emission vehicle n. vehicle rich conversion coating produced which itself produces no by phosphating: Lớp phốt phát emissions, such as electric phủ ngoài kẽm powered vehicles (ZEV) : Xe l zinc plating = application of a không ô nhiễm (xe điện, xe hydro) zinc coating by galvanizing or ZEV = Zero-Emission Vehicle electrogalvanizing: Mạ kẽm zinc n. metallic element used in l zinc-rich paint / primer = paint galvanizing metals, die-casting, containing an extremely high as a constituent in various alloys, proportion of metallic zinc dust in as abattery electrode, etc.: Kẽm the dry film (about 95% by weight), l zinc alloy = alloy whose main applied to iron and steel as an anti- component is zinc: hợp kim kẽm corrosive primer; the application of zinc-based primer may be l zinc bath = galvanizing bath regarded as a less durable form l zinc-electroplating = electrogal- of cold galvanizing: Sơn giàu kẽm/ vanizing: mạ kẽm bằng điện phân chất dùng để sơn lót Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô 451
  17. zincrometal zirconium zincrometal n. trademark of a worked on (ZVD): Quá trình kết tụ special type of coil-coated steel của hơi kẽm sheet with plastic and zinc zirconia (ZrO2) n. zirconium oxide, dust coating, which is proving used in enamels and ceramic increasingly useful in automobile coatings: Oxit của kim loại manufacture: Thép tấm phủ nhựa zirconium (hợp chất xúc tác) và kẽm zirconium n. metallic element: Tên zinc spraying n. process for applying kim loại zirconi zinc coatings to iron and steel: Sự phủ kẽm (NOTE: symbol: Zr; atomic number: 40). zinc vapour deposition n. process in which zinc vapour is deposited ZVD = Zinc Vapour Deposition: Mạ in a vacuum on the pieces being bằng hơi kẽm 452 Từ điển Anh - Việt chuyên ngành ô tô
  18. Phần II: TỪ ĐIỂN VIỆT - ANH Từ điển Việt - Anh chuyên ngành ô tô 453
  19. 454 Từ điển Việt - Anh chuyên ngành ô tô
  20. 4 bánh chủ động Layout in which the amount of power delivered to the front and rear wheels respectively cannot be varied. -Four-wheel drive ắc pít-tông Pin in a piston which links the piston to the small end of the connecting rod. In US English, it is piston pin, wrist pin. -Gudgeon pin ắc quy On most cars, a lead-acid storage-battery, usually of 12 volts. -Battery ắc quy axít chì System of lead plates and dilute sulphuric acid; used as a starter battery and as a traction battery in electric vehicles. -Lead-acid battery ắc quy bị phóng Flat battery. điện -Discharged battery ắc quy đơn Solenoid valvassembly of all positive and negative plates of a single battery cell including its separators, arranged so as to start and finish with a negative plate (so that there are always negative then positive plates) because the positive plates tend to distort under dischargee -Element ắc quy hết điện Flat battery. -Dead battery ắc quy hoặc pin A rechargeable single cell or connected group of nạp lại được two or more storage cells such as the type used in vehicles. It is opposite to primary battery. -Storage battery ắc quy ít cần bảo Battery with removable vent caps that only dưỡng requires topping-up about once a year. -Low-maintenance battery Từ điển Việt - Anh chuyên ngành ô tô 455


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