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Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 3: Community Service (Skills 1+2)

Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 3: Community Service (Skills 1+2) được biên soạn với mục tiêu nhằm giúp học sinh làm quen với các từ vựng: statistic, Government, force, pay - paid - paid, labour, transportation; luyện tập nối từ về nghề nghiệp với theo đúng hình mô tả; luyện tập kết hợp câu ... » Xem thêm

09-02-2022 20 1

Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu

  1. UNIT 3 COMMUNITY SERVICE SKILLS 1+2 Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  2. I. vocabulary - statistic (n) : thống kê - Government (n) : chính phủ - force (v) : bắt buộc - pay - paid - paid (v) : trả tiền - labour (n) : lao động - transportation (n) : phương tiện đi lại - tutor (v) : dạy kèm - mentor (v) : hướng dẫn, chỉ dẫn Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  3. * Checking: Match the word with the right pictures 1. statistic (n) 2. Government (n) 3. force (v) 4. pay -paid-paid(v) 5. labour(n) 6. transportation (n) 7. tutor(v) 8. mentor(v) A B C D E F G H Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  4. 2. Decide if the following statements are True or False? In the United States, almost everyone, at one time or 1. According to the text, nearly another, has been a volunteer. According to US. every American has done volunteer work in his or her life. T government statistics, about one-fifth of the American population does volunteer work each year. Americans 2. Every year, almost one in have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one five Americans works as a volunteer. T another since the early days of the country. 3. Americans have been Americans volunteer not because they are forced or volunteering for less than 50 years. F paid to do it. They enjoy it! Traditional volunteer activities include raising money for people in need, cooking and 4. Americans volunteer because they are forced to do giving food, doing general labour it F (such as clean-up projects and home repair), providing transportation (such as giving rides to the elderly) and tutoring/mentoring young people.
  5. 3. Which of the activities below are traditional volunteer ( ) the boxes. activities in the United States? Tick Activities 1. Providing care for animals 2. Raising money  3. Cooking meal  4. Donating blood 5. Cleaning street  6. Teaching young children  Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  6. II.  NOTES  LINKING WORDS We can use linking words (e.g because) to join ideas and give reasons. 1. I like her because she is kind.   = 2. Because she is kind, I like her.  - Clause 1 + because + Clause 2 (reason). - Because + Clause 2 (reason), + Clause 1.
  7. 4. Combine the two sentences using because  1. He didn’t wear enough warm clothes. He’s had a cold for two days . →  Because he didn’t wear enough warm clothes, he’s had a cold for two days.   2. It rained. I stayed home.  →  I stayed at home because it rained.  3. The lake is full of rubbish. They’ve decided to clean it up  →  Because the lake is full of rubbish, they’ve decided to clean it up.       They’ve decided to clean it up because the lake is full of rubbish.  the lake it 4. She works in that small town. She’s lived in that small town for three years  →  Because she works in that small town, she has lived there for three years. →  Because the neighborhood is nice and quiet, they think they should move there.  5. The neighborhood is nice and quiet. They think they should move there 
  8.   ­Learn by heart all the new words. ­ Do the exercise 4 (Looking back). -  Prepare new lesson: Review 1 (Unit  1,2,3)    Homework Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn


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