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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 6: An excursion

Góp phần trong công tác giảng dạy của các giáo viên, chúng tôi đã tổng hợp một số bài giảng Unit 6 An excursion để các bạn có thêm tư liệu tham khảo. » Xem thêm

27-03-2014 662 127

Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu

  2. Enjoy the video and tell me its name. Ba Om Pond
  3. What do you often do when you have some days off ? day off (n) :ngày nghỉ Do you usually make an excursion?
  4. Unit 6:
  5. Unit 6: 1/ BEFORE YOU READ: 1. Look at the pictures and give the names for each picture
  7. 2. Matching 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 c a. Built in 1049, in the shape of lotus. b. Picturesque site, wonder of the world, 165 kilometres from Hanoi. c. Mountainous resort (altitude: 1,500 m) with some wonderful places to visit: Xuan Huong Lake, pine forests, waterfalls, … d. On the left of the Huong River, 6 kilometres from Hue city
  8. Thien Mu Pagoda also called Linh Mụ, was built in 1601 at the direction of Nguyễn Hoàng. The pagoda sits on the Hà Khê hill, in the ward of Hương Long in Huế. It is around 3 km from the Citadel of Huế and sits on the northern bank of the Perfume River.
  9. Ha Long Bay (Vịnh Hạ Long) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zone which includes Bái Tử Long bay to the northeast, and Cát Bà islands to the southwest.
  10. Việc Vịnh Hạ Long lọt vào Top 7 có ý nghĩa rất lớn đối với việc phát triển du lịch nước nhà cũng như quảng bá hình ảnh Việt Nam đến với bạn bè thế giới. Để Việt Nam có tên trong danh sách những quốc gia có kỳ quan thiên nhiên mới của thế giới, số phiếu bình chọn từ các bạn chính là yếu tố quyết định. Bộ GDĐT đã ra công văn về việc vận động HSSV cả nước bầu chọn Vịnh Hạ Long là kì quan thiên nhiên mới của thế giới. Các hình thức bầu chọn cho Vịnh Hạ Long: 1. Nhắn tin bằng điện thoại di động: Soạn tin "halong” gửi tổng đài 147 (mỗi tin nhắn trị giá 630 VNĐ) 2. Truy cập trang web: www.new7wonders.com và thao tác theo hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Việt 3. Bầu chọn qua điện thoại
  11. The One Pillar Pagoda (Chùa Một Cột) is a historic Buddhist temple in Hanoi. The temple was built by Emperor Lý Thái Tông in 1049 and was renovated in 1105 by Emperor Lý Nhân Tông.
  12. Dalat, capital of Lam Dong Province, located on Lam Viên (Langbian) high lands. It is 1500m above sea level and is 305 km from Saigon. The name Da Lat originates from the hill tribe people in this region. It literally means Stream of the Lat people.
  13. Lotus
  14. Waterfall
  15. Pine forest
  16. 2/ WHILE YOU READ: The way to Huong pagoda
  17. pagoda (n)[ pə’gəʊðə]
  18. Dear Minh, I’m writing to tell you a piece of news. The first term is coming to an end soon and my school is going to have some days off. On this occasion, my class is visiting some caves near Hanoi as we have recently studied rock formations. Besides, many of us have never been inside a cave, so I suppose the trip will be very interesting. At first, we wanted to travel to Thay Pagoda because it is only over 20 kilometres away, and we could go on a day excursion. However, only today have we learnt that the caves near Thay Pagoda are closed until after Tet. So we are visiting the ones near Huong Pagoda instead. A night campfire on a two-day trip will be a great event in our school days! To make the trip cheap, we are bringing our own food and sharing buses with some other classes. It is much warmer now. I believe we’re going to enjoy good weather with lots of sunshine. The only problem I seem to have is getting my parents’ permission. They may not want to let me stay the night away from home. I’ll try to persuade them. That’s all for now. Give my love to your parents and sister. Yours, Lan
  19. 2/ WHILE YOU READ: •VOCABULARY: 1- come to an end (exp) :kết thúc 2- day off (n) :ngày nghỉ 3- occasion (n) [ə'keiʒn] : dịp 4- formation [fɔ:'mei∫n] :sự hình thành 4- permission (n) [pə'mi∫n] : sự cho phép 5- That’s all for now (exp): thế nhé


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